Lunar Eclipse

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Why the charade?
Deleted 13 465 by imdavidsgirl
Mar 17, 2013 22:22:57 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Cut scenes/script changes
Addison's girl 27 719 by Deleted
Jan 25, 2013 10:15:19 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling The end
Deleted 8 289 by Addison's girl
Jan 22, 2013 20:55:24 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling why did the writers end it like this?
imdavidsgirl 4 248 by imdavidsgirl
Jul 15, 2012 19:30:01 GMT -5


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Lunar Eclipse
Annie's husband Mark arrives in town and she wants to tell him about her and David, but David is unsure. Mark comes to believe that she is having an affair with Herbert. David engineers a scenario in which Annie catches him with another woman, prompting her to leave town with her husband. Herbert and Agnes get married, but the wedding ends in a brawl and everyone spends the night in jail. Maddie and David learn that Moonlighting has been cancelled when they return to the office and it is in the process of being dismantled by studio staff. They confront a producer, who tells them that "romance is a fragile thing" and that theirs is over. They rush to a church in an attempt to get married, but the priest refuses to marry them and they are left alone to reminisce. The series ends with a montage of flashbacks.
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